Get feedback about your website/app

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— you can get that much feedback yourself,
if you give lots of feedback to others.
(Scrolll down, on that example page, to see the feedback.)

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It's like what Usability Hub used to be but even better!

I got some great feedback that I did use to make changes to my site

Look at the test queue, lots of feedback:

Benefits & Features

Feedback guaranteed

We ensure that you get back as much feedback as you give.

Find problems

You'll learn about problems people run into, and what makes them confused.


Ask for clarifications. Chat. Discuss UX.

How it works

  1. 01

    Submit your website / app

    Currently websites and web apps only, not mobile phone apps.

  2. 02

    Test other people's websites

    Give honest feedback, in a kind way, so the receiver will want to continuing learning and experimenting.

  3. 03

    After a while you'll get feedback on your stuff

    If you aren't happy, let us know. We (the staff here) do extra testing, for people who didn't get any meaningful feedback.

Improve your website/app